Johan Soderqvist - Battlefield V: War in the Pacific

Télécharger Johan Soderqvist - Battlefield V: War in the Pacific en Haute Qualité

Label : EA Music
Nombre de pistes : 14
Genre(s) : OST
Taille du fichier : 106 Mo

01. Johan Soderqvist - Battle of Dan-no-Ura (Japanese Traditional) (2:34)
02. Johan Soderqvist - Wake Island (2:51)
03. Johan Soderqvist - Glorious Victory (2:02)
04. Johan Soderqvist - Ghost Warriors (3:48)
05. Johan Soderqvist - Battle Of Iwo Jima (3:25)
06. Johan Soderqvist - Death Of Antoku (3:22)
07. Johan Soderqvist - "Tropical Storm " (2:56)
08. Johan Soderqvist - Despair Of The Earth (3:13)
09. Johan Soderqvist - Beginning Of The End (2:54)
10. Johan Soderqvist - Empire Of The Sun (2:57)
11. Johan Soderqvist - The Jungle/Waves Of Darkness (4:50)
12. Johan Soderqvist - Awaiting The Enemy (1:47)
13. Johan Soderqvist - Processions (2:35)
14. Johan Soderqvist - Imperial Victory (1:50)

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Publié : 12-08-2020 21:09