Maria Markesini - Nearer

Télécharger Maria Markesini - Nearer en Haute Qualité

Label : Continental Sound Music
Nombre de pistes : 13
Genre(s) : Jazz
Taille du fichier : 434 Mo

1. I stand in awe (Morgenstimmung) (5:30)
2. The living One (2:18)
3. Song of life (5:26)
4. People get ready (3:52)
5. Nearer my God to Thee (5:28)
6. I have decided to follow Jesus (3:49)
7. He looked beyond my fault (4:26)
8. Spirit you guide us (3:25)
9. I will love Thee (5:03)
10. His eye is on the sparrow (7:49)
11. The fountain (1:09)
12. The River (3:05)
13. Thank you (2:24)

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Publié : 18-09-2023 16:23