SCORPIONS - 24 Albums (1972-2011)

Télécharger SCORPIONS - 24 Albums (1972-2011) en Haute Qualité

Label : VA
Nombre de pistes : 280
Genre(s) : Rock
Taille du fichier : 2.9 Go

Liste des 24 albums
Acoustica (live - 2001)
Animal Magnetism (1980)
Blackout (1982)
Comeblack (2011)
Crazy World (1990)
Eye To Eye (1999)
Face The Heat (1993)
Fly To The Rainbow (1974)
Get Your Sting & Blackout (live - 2011)
Humanity Hour I (2007)
In Trance (1975)
Live Bites (live - 1995)
Lonesome Crow (1972)
Love At First Sting (1984)
Lovedrive (1979)
Moment Of Glory (2000)
Pure Instinct (1996)
Savage Amusement (1988)
Sting In The Tail (2010)
Taken By Force (1977)
Tokyo Tapes (live - 1978)
Unbreakable (2004)
Virgin Killer (1976)
World Wide Live (live - 1985)

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Publié : 19-10-2023 14:43